7 Steps to Boost Branding Basics
- January 23, 2009
- by Collateral Staff
What is a brand?
Everything that represents your company is part of your brand: logo, web site, letterhead, the way you dress and the way you answer your phone. Things that may seem small, such as typos in your e-mails to customers, can have a negative impact on your company's image.
All businesses, especially small businesses, rely on a strong, recognizable brand to grow their customer base and attract word-of-mouth marketing. In the generic consumer world, it takes up to seven exposures to a brand to make a brand memorable and evoke a response. Ideally, you want your future customers to know who you are before they have to use you.
Why should I keep my colors, logos, etc. the same?
When you are consistent, it creates something called brand recognition. Brand recognition is the reason you can identify the Coca Cola brand even when the style of the can or the advertisement changes. The company consistently uses the same shade of red, and the same font to spell out its Coca Cola logo, despite the change of design in its advertisements.
Make sure to use logos, slogans, colors and fonts consistently so potential customers can properly identify your company regardless of the medium you use to market it. For example, one day you give your card to someone you meet. The next day that person is driving down the road and sees a sign for your bail business with the same logo on it and makes the connection. After some time, that same person may misplace your business card, and resort to looking through the phone book for your company. Upon seeing your logo in a phone book advertisement he makes the connection and recognizes it once again. When you are consistently branding your company you will begin to build brand recognition.
What easy steps can I take to improve my branding?
With these seven easy steps, you can improve your brand and make a more lasting impression on potential clients.