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Make AboutBail's List of Top Bail Agents on Twitter

  • October 10, 2011
  • by Collateral Staff

AboutBail is compiling a list of Bail Agents on TwitterNot too long ago, AboutBail wrote an article called 8 Ways for Bail Agents to Use Twitter for Business. Now we want to find out who has been most effectively using Twitter for the good of their bail agencies and the bail industry in general.

Over the next month, AboutBail will be searching high and low for the top bail agents on Twitter. These are the people who use the social media platform to market their agencies, network with others, share vital industry news and more. If you want to make the list of top tweeters, we invite you to send us your Twitter handle (e.g., @xyzbail). Once we have as many Twittter handles as we can find, we'll rank them and publish a nationally distributed article.

If you'd like to participate, here's more information about how you can get your bail agency on the list.
What are the benefits of being on the list?
Making the list of top bail professionals on Twitter has several benefits:

1. Free nationwide exposure - AboutBail's article will be published online at and, distributed to bail associations and criminal defense lawyer associations, and tweeted about on AboutBail's social media network. Your Twitter handle will be in front of people who could turn out to be future clients or business connections.
2. Honorary badge - If you're on list, you can post an honorary badge on your bail agent website that tells your customers and peers that you're a respected Twitter user in the bail industry.
3. Consideration for annual rankings - Once you're on the list, you'll automatically be considered for the next year's list and have the chance to compete for the No. 1 spot.
How will you rank people on the list?
Our ranking system factors in rankings from WeFollow, frequency and recency of posts, relevance to the industry, and number of followers.
How do I submit my Twitter handle?
In order to be included on the list when it is published, please let us know about your Twitter handle by Friday, Oct. 21. You can still submit your handle after the article is published, but you will be added to the "up and coming" section instead of the featured list.

To submit your Twitter handle, you have several options:

1. Post your handle below as a comment on this article.
2. Post your handle on AboutBail's Facebook page.
3. Post your handle on AboutBail's LinkedIn page.

Even if you don't yet have a Twitter account, starting one is free, easy and fast. We look forward to seeing how you use Twitter to connect with the bail industry!
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