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PBUS "All Hands on Deck!" Alert

PBUS President Linda Braswell has announced the creation of the PBUS J.A.I.L. Summit, co-chaired by Armando Roche and Debbie Jallad, as a response to the NACo-PJI initiative to evaluate all county jails and, in essence, recommend pre-trial services at each of them (click here to read the NACo-PJI recommendations for Mecklenburg County, NC).

The Summit will take place at the beginning of September in the Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas area. Industry leaders will be invited to take part in this summit and distinguish how to engage PBUS members, bail agents, friends and family to fight the NACo-PJI initiative.

In addition to announcing the Summit, PBUS also announces an "All Hands on Deck!" alert to get PBUS members and other friends of the bail industry to actively work to counter the effects of the NACo-PJI initiative. PBUS is asking agents to establish or re-establish relationships with your County Commissioner or funding source for your jail. Also, bail agents need to be aware if their study is going to take place in the NACo-PJI evaluation. Be sure to let your County Commissioners know how this study can negatively affect your business and your employees, how this supposedly "free program" has the potential to cost the county hundreds of thousands of dollars in the future, and that in this current economy, you currently provide more effective pre-trial release services at no cost to the county.

In the words of the PBUS Legislative Committee, "This All Hands on Deck! call is not about saving or targeting one city, community, county or even one state. This is a nationwide effort to protect and save our profession and what we represent in service to each and every defendant, in each and every city, in each and every county and especially in each and every state."

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