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Smartphones That Work For You

  • March 09, 2009
  • by Collateral Staff

"Smartphone" is a word that you are probably hearing more often. It refers to a phone that is essentially a mini-computer; it can surf the web, hold pictures and music, allow you to easily check your email and much more. Bail agents can benefit from smart phones by staying connected to their office while they are waiting at the jail or courthouse. With so many smart phones on the market, how do you know which is the best for you? Below are a few smart phones that can help you run your business wherever you are. It is important to note that some phones are only available on certain networks, so be sure to check with your cell phone provider to find the phone that is right for you.

Apple iPhone:

(photo by Dylan Parker)*

The trendiest smartphone on the market right now is the Apple iPhone. Even Melinda Gates, the wife of Bill Gates, the founder of Apple rival Microsoft, wants one. It's sleek, the size of an iPod, has the fastest touchscreen on the market and has an endless variety of software applications that you can add to expand how you use your iPhone (one application turns it into a level, another helps you keep track of your grocery list).


(photo by DelgaudM)**

A Blackberry's nickname is "Crackberry" for a reason. It has become the gold standard of smartphones, with many professionals hooked on theirs. The most notable case of this is President Obama refusing to give his Blackberry up after taking office. Before the inauguration, President Obama told CNBC, "They're going to pry it out of my hands." If a Blackberry is good enough for our president, it should be good enough for you. Blackberry has models available for every major cellular provider.

G1, "The Google Phone":

(photo by SPDorsey)***

The G1, better known as "the Google phone" is exclusively available on T-Mobile. This is known as the Google phone because it runs on Android, the operating system that Google designed. Some features of the G1 include a touch screen and a full slide-out keyboard. The G1 is great for people who already use Google applications on a daily basis - simply enter your Google username and password, and the phone automatically syncs your email, calendar, documents and other Google applications.

HTC Touch Pro:

(photo by CheukieCFU)*

HTC might not be a common household name, but they are known for creating quality phones. Similar to the G1 (which HTC helped design), the Touch Pro features a sliding keyboard along with a touch screen. A benefit of the HTC Touch Pro is it is available on all the major service providers. Despite not being a major "name" in the world of smartphones, you can expect a solid, fast, reliable phone with the HTC Touch Pro.


(photo by Kukkurovaca)****

Are you attached to your regular phone that just makes calls and occasionally texts? Don't want to invest in a smart phone, and the additional monthly service fee that entails? Try the Peek, a device that is solely designed for e-mail on the go. The device itself costs $99 and comes in three stylish colors. For $30 a month, you can use the Peek to access your email anywhere. There is no contract, so this is an ideal transition for those who are still wary of smart phones and don't mind carrying around an extra device.

*Some rights reserved.
**Some rights reserved.
***Some rights reserved.
****Some rights reserved.

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