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Details on the Upcoming CBAA Convention

  • September 23, 2012
  • by Kimberly Faber
CBAA Annual Conference

CBAA 2012 Convention

October 14-16th
Harra's South Lake Tahoe

Bail agents from across California will head to South Lake Tahoe on October 14th for the 2012 California Bail Agents Association (CBAA) Convention. The CBAA is celbrating it's 33rd year, and the three day conference will cover a lot of information and events.

For more details on what to expect, spoke with CBAA Executive Director Rainy Robinson.

Why is it important for bail agents to attend this event?

RR: The landscape in California bail has changed dramatically. At this convention will be the leaders in our industry. Agents and agencies alike must attend to stay informed and to participate.

What is the CBAA hoping to accomplish with this conference?

RR: As with every CBAA annual convention, attendees gain a new perspective on the CA bail industry. In a year's time things can change rapidly. We gather the movers and shakers of our industry and they in turn provide all that attend with invaluable information.

What are some of the major issues bail agents in your area are facing? How will the conference address those issues?

RR: Aside from the chronic issues, tax payer pretrial release programs, notoriously high bail schedules, uniformed legislators, etc., we have an education issue. As time has changed, so has the bail landscape. New laws have been drafted, and the industry is facing those in the upcoming 2013 legislative year.

What training will take place in the conference?

RR: This year, CBAA has extended an offer to any attendee: 6 hours of continuing education, Free. That's right, no charge. This alone is a $100 value.

Can you give us an overview of the speakers at this event including topics, summaries, and names of speakers?

RR: Some highlights are:

  • Monday, October 15, 2012
    State of the Association address by CBAA President, Vera Robles – DeWitt, and State of the Nation by PBUS President Scott Hall. We will introduce our gallery of exhibitors. We are introducing the new 2013 Standardized bail forms.  Before lunch we will hear from Assemblyman Curt Hagman who is one of our own. Our keynote luncheon will include Nicholas J. Wachinski, General Counsel and Chief Legal Officer for Bail USA. He is a must see. Then we introduce the Los Angeles candidate for District Attorney, Alan Jackson.  After lunch we will convene for a CCP presentation and the panel of CBAA Area Directors.  Then onto the evening with our flagship event, the Gala Dinner. This year our honoree is Ms. Maggie Kreins. We will top off the evening with our famous Bocce ball competition.  The winner will be allowed the trophy for the year.
  • Tuesday, October 16th 2012
    We will start this day with our new website and technology presentation.  CBAA has some exiting news to present at this time.  At 10am a panel of legal experts will guide the assembly through the turbulent waters with this past years new case law. At 11:30 am CBAA is excited to present Trino Savala and Tony "The Tiger" Lopez for a very personal journey. Our keynote luncheon on Tuesday will include PBUS VP, Beth Chapman, and Crime Victims United. Our program will conclude with Duane "Dog" Chapman and his presentation on fugitive recovery.

What do you think sets this conference apart from others?

RR: Timing. Timing is everything. There was never a time, more important than this, that we stand united. That time has come.

What are you most excited for with this conference?

RR: It is one event that all of us, although competitors, have developed long standing relationships in this industry we wouldn't otherwise enjoy (because of proximity or other reasons). New friendships and kinships are made right here. Probably the most significant, there are many whose tireless efforts go unnoticed if it were not for this event it would probably remain so.

Are there any other conference highlights or anything else you would like to add?

RR: Here are some quick links:

  • Main website:
  • Convention Information:
  • Attendee Brochure:
  • Convention Registration:
  • Convention Checkout:
  • Exhibitor Opportunities:
  • Convention Shecule: 

For more information about this and other CBAA events, visit the CBAA website.

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