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How to Use How Bail Works as a Marketing Tool for Your Bail Agency

  • October 06, 2012
  • by Kimberly Faber

Whether you’re a bail agent, criminal defense attorney, service provider, or product vendor to the legal industry, the newly released How Bail Works video is a great marketing tool for your business. Read on for more on how using this video can instill trust in clients and potential clients as well as help establish your business as a valuable resource for legal industry information. 

Why use it as a marketing tool?

It’s free! You can post the How Bail Works video wherever you want at no charge, so why not take advantage? Sharing and embedding this video or slideshare can help your business with branding and exposure, convert potential clients into clients, and help your bail agency establish legitimacy.

For embed options and versions, visit the How Bail Bonds Work page.

How to use it

Here are a few ways to use How Bail Works as a marketing tool:

  1. Embed the video on your website
    Beyond establishing legitimacy and converting site visitors to clients, embedding the video on your website can save your agency time and frustration. Think about the sheer number of times you have to explain the very basics of the bail process each day.

    Now imagine if most of your clients watched a short video and learned the basics BEFORE they called. What’s more -- imagine that they were prepared with information about the jail, charges, and booking number before even speaking with you. Having this information easily available and clearly conveyed on your site means less time explaining and more time writing bail.

    Here are two examples:
    How Bail Works Embeddable Video  How Bail Works Embeddable Video

    Fugitive recovery agents, attorneys, and other individuals in the legal field can post the video to help establish themselves as a go-to for legal resources which can help turn site visitors into clients. Adding a video can also help your search rankings.
  2. Embed the slideshow
    An alternative to sharing the video is to embed the slideshow version. The 14 slide presentation walks the viewer through the basics of bail, and makes it easy for the site visitor to click past the parts that they already understand. This is another great piece of dynamic content that will help your website convey your business' professionalism and industry knowledge.  
  3. Make it a permanent feature on your Facebook or Google Plus page
    If your bail agency, law firm, or organization has a Facebook Fanpage, you probably know about the video app where you can upload all of your videos as permanent features on the page. This is a great place to share videos relevant to the industry and that will be helpful to peers and clients alike.

    How Bail Works Facebook

    The California Bail Agents Association (CBAA) recently reached out to AboutBail wanting to make the video a permanent feature on their Facebook Fanpage. Here’s how it looks:

    If you’re interested in uploading the video to your Facebook Fanpage or Google Plus Page, send an email to [email protected]. Don’t want it to be a permanent feature? Simply copy and paste the following link and share it through your profile.
  4. Post about it on your blog
    If you are a bail agent, posting this video to your blog is a great way to share with clients and peers. It’s also a great avenue for you to note the specifics of how your agency prefers to go through the process. For example, in the video we note that most states charge between 10 and 15% of the total bail amount. If your state has different parameters for bail premiums, a blog post is a great way to clear that up as well as other specifics of how bail works in your state. You may also consider posting a bail premium calculator in tandem with the video.

    Embed the How Bail Works Video

    The Federal Criminal Defense Investigation blog posted the video as an individual post. You can view it here:
  5. Share it through social media
    Social media continues to grow as a major resource for networking, locating people, and interacting with businesses in a variety of industries. Now more than ever, people looking for local businesses will check Facebook and Google Plus profiles for more information and reviews.

    Sharing the video on your page is a great way to show that you know what’s hot in the industry, are staying up-to-date on cutting edge marketing tactics, answer specific questions from fans, and interacting with your clients. Every time a person or fan likes that post, shares it, or comments on it, your profile will show up in their newsfeeds, so it’s a great way to get your name in front of hundreds of potential clients.

Embed How Bail Works Today

These are just a few ways to use How Bail Works as a marketing tool. It's also a great idea to share the information with your colleagues, clients, and other individuals in the legal field. If you have questions about how to embed or share the video or need the information in a different file or format, send an email to [email protected]

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