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6 Major Challenges The Bail Industry is Currently Facing

  • March 11, 2012
  • by AboutBail Staff

Bail Industry ChallengesWith government-funded programs, industry competition and the country’s financial woes it’s no surprise that the bail industry is facing challenges this year. Bail agents across the country are presented with a variety of obstacles, but as pre-trial release programs continue to gain popularity and bail agent arrests make national news those obstacles can be difficult to overcome. Read on to find out what many bail agents believe are the biggest threats to the bail industry. Are bail agents in your area facing a major challenge? Share your opinion in the poll at the end of the article.

What bail agents say are their biggest professional challenges

According to bail agents, there are a variety of issues that should have every industry-member concerned, including:

  1. Pre-trial release: Bail agents across the country fear that government-funded programs like pre-trial release will eventually replace private bail.
  2. Cut-throat bondsmen: Fierce competition in some areas has led some bondsmen to solicit bonds, offer low rates and participate in shady marketing practices.
  3. Illegal bonds: Bondsmen across the country agree that it is impossible to compete with agencies who offer lower premiums than required by the state.
  4. Clients without collateral: Some bondsmen have found that their clients cannot always supply sufficient collateral in a down economy.
  5. Getting work: For industry newcomers and those in areas with several agencies some professionals say their greatest challenge is finding work.
  6. Negative industry image: The negative image attached to the bail bond profession can be a difficult one to change and overcome.

What bail agents are saying on LinkedIn

Many bail agents have shared their thoughts on threats to the bail industry, including AboutBail’s Bail Bond Professionals group on LinkedIn.

“I believe the biggest challenge is really more of a threat . . . that of pre-trial release. It’s spreading across the country from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and it’s backers are said to be aiming at shutting down the bail industry. They are government-funded and we are indirectly assisting them with our tax dollars.” - David Platt

“I’d have to agree that pre-trial [release] is quickly becoming the single largest threat to the bonding community. While our industry suffers from an image problem, largely because of a few bad apples, I can tell you from first-hand experience that pre-trial release has the potential to put many hardworking, legitimate bondsmen out of business.” - Samuel McMurray

“The biggest challenge in Southern California is too many agents who get into the business to make a quick buck -- because the bail schedule is so high here. As a result, the competition is fierce and agents will compromise the integrity of the whole industry by offering ‘deals’.” - Jeannie Smith

“I contract out for several agencies and all of them are facing the same problem: folks making the decision to pay their house payment rather than bail someone out of jail.” - Patt Caldwell

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